Saturday, 21 March 2015

Day 6 - Time to meet the Queen

Early morning start out of Blenheim gets us to Picton to check our bags and bikes at the dock, despite the brooding weather there is an air of excitement as today we will be riding the world famous Queen Charlotte Track 
After a bit of a rush in the bakery we are fueled up and ready to board the water taxi
The weather is getting progressively worse
On our way to Ship Cove

Wanna Chup bru 

It's getting a bit wild

By the time we get to Ship Cove it's a storm

Spirits are still high
Richard checks out the Memorial to Captain Cook who anchored in the cove 5 time between 1770 and 1777
A lot of pest eradication along this part of the track
Drowned Valleys were exactly that.

I'm beached az bru

A spot of colour in the gloom
John with his determined face and yellow skirt on
Glimpses of the wonderful views through the rain 

Morning tea stop at Furneaux Lodge, they didn't want us inside...can't imagine why
This is the answer I got when I asked which way is Wellington
With our little buddy, he didn't mind the rain either, Gnome Sweet Gnome.

After the great swing bridge debacle of 2014 we where all extra careful of how many and who was on the bridge with us

Still raining, fortunately it's not cold
 A selfie with Sue

Really windy and rainy now

Wet, dirty and happy as a pig in mud!
 The rain stopped as we arrived at Punga Cove.
The Queen Charlotte area has been in drought so we couldn't use hoses to clean our bikes, the rain had got this little stream flowing again so communal bike washing it was.

Sparkling clean bikes and the sun comes out to play for the whole afternoon so we can get all our gear dry.
Andrew and I take advantage of the sunshine and take a walk around Punga Cove
This cicada took a liking to me 

The crown isn't quite the same after spending 24 hours with Andrew, lets face it none of us are ever the same after spending that length of time with Andrew
Dinner at the Punga Cove Resturant

Dental floss coupled with a bit of ingenuity and the crown is still usable. Julie reclaimes the crown as Andrew can't be trusted with it and Alice received the Tiki for general awesomeness
NB: If you come to the end of a page but not the end of the trip Blog you can click on 'Older Posts' to move to the next page

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