Sunday, 16 March 2014

Containers have many uses.

Sunday Afternoon

    Our afternoon was spent having a 'Captain Hook' around Christchurch city centre. It was confronting to see the devastation and listen to a recording of the sounds of the earthquake but also heartening to see the rebuild starting. We began our tour at the restart, a shopping precinct made entirely out of containers. If you are wondering why there's a shortage of containers look no further, they are here storing peoples worldly possessions, housing shops and providing protection against falling rocks and buildings.

Andrew snapped this lovely shot of Sue, looks like a photo shoot for Mountain Bikes of Paris

Definitely a bike friendly town - Kees takes the opportunity to do some maintenance on Andrew bike. It's going to take a bit more work to get the bikes below going.

Still alot of demolition underway.

Memorial to those who lost their lives in the earthquake.

Time for a musical interlude, Jane proved to be the most musical of the group

The fate of this church is yet to be determined

Dinner at the local sushi resturant

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