Thursday, 7 April 2016

13. Lug it to Luggate 17th March

Another crisp morning promised a beautiful day for a fairly flat ride along the banks of the Clutha River to Luggate

First order of the day was coffee and getting Erica to her bus on time
I'm not sure Vogue is going to give you a call back today John

Along the shore of beautiful Lake Wanaka

Outlet track

How many Wee Tiki Tourers can you fit on a bike, six in this case but I'm sure we could do better, a challenge for next year maybe

We got a visit from this puppy that came down to the track for some attention


The water of the Clutha River really is as the guide books say emerald green

Lunch at the Luggate Hotel

Jans handle bars got caught in some vine on a down hill section and she was thrown over the bars onto rocks, we were all surprised and Jan most of all that she was uninjured and her bike undamaged

Jan has got this bike lift thing sorted!
With a little bit of help from her friends :)

 It got a bit hot on the way home, time for a dip in the lake

While the others headed back to town Andrew and I did another loop of Deans Bank including some wheelie practice, a newly acquired skill on my part

 Andrew and I then took the Hikuwai Loop but someone had been through and stolen the signs on the end near the Motor Camp and it was impossible for us to navigate our way through the warren of tracks without signs and we ended up getting dropped back onto the Outlet Track

Being the last night of the tour proper it was time to thank our fabulous tour organiser Madam Julie

There is always one in the group who gets a cramp at the dinner table, the rest of us don't laugh...much
The Easter Bunny visited our rooms during dinner leaving eggs and some of my favorite pegs which I have only been able to find in NZ, even though I originally bought some in Aus back in the 90's :)

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